The Equine Cardiopulmonary Research Study concentrates on how efficiently a horse’s cardiovascular and pulmonary systems function when galloping and jumping on cross-country and seeks answers to questions such as: Are our horses hearts working harder now than in the past? Does the short format increase pressures in the lung vessels?

While equine fatalities during competition are uncommon, the sudden death of an equine athlete during competition is distressing. The goal of the current study is to describe heart rhythm in healthy event horses during the cross-country phase of competition. Results will provide us with an understanding of the spectrum of cardiac responses of healthy horses to this unique and intense exercise and will document the frequency of occurrence of transient, potentially performance-limiting arrhythmias in the sample population. Heart health is of paramount importance to safe and successful competition and the goal of our team of internationally renowned veterinarians and cardiologists is to apply scientific principles to understanding the risks of competition for event horses.

Click here for the most recent update on the Equine Cardiopulmonary Study.