The mission of Strides for Equality Equestrians (SEE) is to create equitable opportunities for Black and Indigenous people of color (BIPOC) equestrians and to build a more inclusive equestrian culture. 

SEE supports the critical work of organizations that provide access to equestrianism for BIPOC young people. SEE collaborates with access programs and offers financial support through our Access Program Grants. We are also building a national directory of equestrian access programs to help connect participants, volunteers, and donors to grassroots programs.

One of the unique features of equestrian sports is the number of professional pathways for individuals who wish to find a career working with horses. SEE’s Professional Pathways Program is working to increase diversity in equestrian professions and advancing economic justice for BIPOC individuals by helping to ensure equitable access to professional advancement opportunities. 

SEE is developing a network of barns and equestrian businesses that share our values and pledge to provide a welcoming and inclusive environment for BIPOC equestrians, including those owned by BIPOC professionals.  

SEE develops and publishes educational content that explains anti-racism; promotes informed allyship; supports organizational diversity, equity, and inclusion work; celebrates the history of BIPOC equestrians; and elevates the visibility of BIPOC equestrians today.

Learn more about SEE on their website