ORCA (Organizer’s Relief and Competition Assistance) Fund

This fund was established in 2024 to provide grants to event organizers who have experienced a disaster or catastrophe that has impacted their ability to run their competition. For an organizer to be eligible for a relief grant, the organizer must donate $1 per starter at their largest event each year for two consecutive years.  That two-year buy-in creates a five-year coverage window.  Going forward, an event remains eligible if they donate two out of every five years. Organizers may donate more frequently than every two years and non-organizer donations are also greatly appreciated as a way to support the core of the sport.

If an organizer experiences a disaster or catastrophe that impacts and/or impedes their ability to run their competition, they may apply for a grant of up to $5,000 per year to be spent on equipment and repairs. Authorized uses include items such as jumps, dressage ring markers, and repair of previously-built permanent obstacles.  Grant requests will be reviewed by a committee and may be awarded on a rolling basis or at year-end depending on the current size of the fund.  Should the fund build a heavy reserve, the committee may also request permission from the Foundation Board of Trustees to accept grant applications for equipment and course modernization from organizers who have taken part in the cooperative. 

To enroll, as an organizer, please complete the second page of your 2025 event reporting form at the conclusion of your event. Organizers will also be contacted at year end to ensure they have had the opportunity to enroll. For additional information or questions, please contact Katherine Cooper.

The first grants will be awarded in 2025. The deadline for 2025 grants is October 15, 2025. If you are an organizer who is experiencing a disaster and funds are needed before that date, please send in the form and also contact Katherine Cooper.

Application form.